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Claudia Glassman
Dec 4, 2020
Why saying "I'm Sorry" is an essential parenting tool
When I was a kid, it wasn't common place for parents, or adults in general to apologize to kids. There seemed to be this sense of "I am...

Claudia Glassman
Sep 3, 2020
4 Tips To Staying Connected To Your Teenager
I can't tell you how many times I hear the dread in a parent's voice when they talk about the teenage years. It doesn't matter if they...

Claudia Glassman
Aug 24, 2020

Claudia Glassman
Aug 17, 2020
Managing Screen Time During The Pandemic
I have been hearing a lot from clients and my friends, that they are fining themselves in a tough place when it comes to their kids...

Claudia Glassman
Jul 20, 2020
How to Handle Bedtime Tantrums
You look at the clock and start to get tense. The dreaded bedtime is coming. Maybe you used to have a child that went to bed easily and...

Claudia Glassman
Jul 18, 2020
Giving your child choices: the why and how of giving choices
This is a picture of my then almost two-year old, taken in June. Notice the Halloween shirt? My initial thought process to her choosing...

Claudia Glassman
May 13, 2020
Be the thermostat, not the thermometer
If there is one parenting tip that I would love all parents to hear, this may be it. Why this one when there are so many valuable...

Claudia Glassman
May 6, 2020
Amazing Kid Podcasts for Sleep
Sleep. It can be a challenge for our kids and especially for us as parents. Depending on the temperament of your child, your child may go...

Claudia Glassman
Feb 26, 2018
Everything doesn't have to be a power struggle
Power struggles. Just mentioning the words can cause parents to tense up and get ready for battle. What if I told you that this didn’t...

Clauda Glassman
Jan 17, 2018
Teaching our chidren the power of no
My daughter came home from school the other day and relayed a story where another child in her class told her that her mom says that if...

Claudia Glassman
Jan 16, 2018
Raising children in a world full of technology: Strategies to limit screen time
Technology is everywhere! I use it daily and thanks to technology you are reading this. It is however, changing things for our children...

Claudia Glassman
Jan 8, 2018
The importance of parents focusing on their own needs
It is so easy as a parent to get caught up in parenting. We focus on our children adn the myriad of things that come along with that. We...

Claudia Glassman
Dec 19, 2017
A few simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your child's life
We hear the word mindfulness a lot these days. While some may feel it is a trend, I have not only seen the benefits of it first hand, but...

Claudia Glassman
Dec 13, 2017
An easy activity to build your child up and foster connection
Sometimes as parents we get so caught up in correcting behavior and offering feedback that we don't give our children positive feedback....

Claudia Glassman
Dec 5, 2017
Finding joy and decreasing stress this holiday season
It's here! Holiday time. Store fronts have been transformed, store hours have been extended, and the mall parking lots are full of cars...

Claudia Glassman
Nov 14, 2017
I don't want you to be dependent on me but connected to me
"I don't want them to be dependent on me, I just want them to be connected" . These words came out of my mouth last week as I was...

Claudia Glassman
Nov 9, 2017
Over-parenting vs Under-parenting: There is a happy middle ground
I was talking to a colleague of mine from my days in private practice as a therapist the other day and we started talking a bit about...

Claudia Glassman
Nov 6, 2017
The illusion of the perfect parent
There is no perfect parent. There is no parent that has it all together. So why do we pretend that there are? Why are we as parents so...

Claudia Glassman
Oct 26, 2017
A different perspective on discipline that will reduce power struggles
What does discipline mean to you? For a lot of people it means rules and punishment. Discipline is so much more than this. We often think...

Claudia Glassman
Oct 23, 2017
Keep Learning in Perspective
Last week I went to an parent education session at my children's school. The topic was language and the teacher holding the meeting went...
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