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Claudia Glassman
Oct 16, 2017
Changing Focus: Forget outcomes and focus on process
We all know someone who is focused on outcomes. Someone who feels that they are defined by their home, their car, their job. What happens...

Claudia Glassman
Oct 12, 2017
Creating a special play time to improve your relationship with your child and their behaviors.
Early on in my career as a therapist I underestimated the importance and value of play. It didn't take long for me to learn how...

Claudia Glassman
Oct 9, 2017
The magic of playing with our children
I went to a conference this weekend and one of the presenters shared this poem: I tried to teach my child with books. He gave me only...

Claudia Glassman
Oct 4, 2017
Sometimes the best thing we can do is hold the space
During my time working as a therapist with children and adolescents, a large portion of the kids I worked with had a history of trauma. I...

Claudia Glassman
Oct 2, 2017
Thoughts on a tragedy
Today's bog post is going to be different than my usual posts. I have no step by step answers or tools to manage how we process these...

Claudia Glassman
Sep 22, 2017
Three great quotes that will help you parenting
What seems like a lifetime ago I went to a workshop with Gary Landreth all about Child Parent Relationship Therapy (CPRT). It was...

Claudia Glassman
Sep 19, 2017
Parenting With a Focus On Your Relationship Does Not Mean You Are Permissive
When I talk to people about attachment and focusing on the relationship they have with their children, I am well aware of the...

Claudia Glassman
Sep 18, 2017
Why I Don't Use Time Outs and What I Do Instead
Time outs have been in the parenting tool box for as long as I can remember. I even remember early in my career as a therapist (and long...

Claudia Glassman
Sep 14, 2017
What's the deal with attachment?
I talk a lot about the importance of our relationship with our children. But what does that mean? Well, in order to explain it better...

Claudia Glassman
Sep 11, 2017
How to respond to your child rather than just react.
Have you ever noticed those moments in parenting when you just react before you even get a chance to think? These are the moments when...

Claudia Glassman
Sep 5, 2017
"I can't believe you did that!": Handling the moments when our children's behavior
We have all been there. The moment when our kids behavior is mortifying and so embarrassing. Let's say you are at lunch with your friends...

Claudia Glassman
Aug 28, 2017
How to make potty training less stressful for you and your child.
It’s the moment in toddler-hood that can cause parents, and kids, so much stress….Potty Training. I get so many questions about this...

Claudia Glassman
Aug 24, 2017
My toddler hits! What do I do?
You are on a play-date and your toddler starts pushing, kicking, or even trying to bite. You are mortified and look at the other parent...

Claudia Glassman
Aug 18, 2017
“Go to sleep”: How to avoid frustrations and create a more enjoyable bedtime
It’s bedtime and your heart starts to race. You know there is a fight waiting to happen. At the same time, you are so excited for those...

Claudia Glassman
Jul 12, 2017
What is a parenting coach?
The answer to this question will vary by coach. Parenting Coaches come from a variety of backgrounds. Some are parents, teachers, or...

Claudia Glassman
Jul 6, 2017
Handling Your Inner Parenting Critic
I was talking to a friend the other day who is also a therapist. We were catching up and talking about some of the things going on in our...

Claudia Glassman
Jun 22, 2017
Fight the urge to rescue your child
As parents we all want to protect our children from struggling, feeling sad, or failure. While there are times we need to intervene, most...

Claudia Glassman
May 17, 2017
You can't afford not to take care of yourself
We hear the term "self-care" thrown around a lot. In the therapy community it gets used all the time (both in terms of clients and the...

Claudia Glassman
May 8, 2017
Parenting the sensitive child
Do you have a sensitive child? A child who seems to get upset easier than other children seem to? A child who gets nervous and anxious...

Claudia Glassman
May 2, 2017
The Importance of Connection
I spend a lot of time exploring a discussing the importance of connecting with our children and how this impacts our child as well as our...
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